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邱勇 来源:太阳城官网    阅读次数:  2020-08-06





[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目,22005009, 多效交联粒子阻燃和高性能化聚碳酸酯的行为与机理, 主持.

[2] 北京市教育委员会, 科技计划项目, KM202110011007, 磷杂菲/硅氧烷双基交联粒子阻燃和增韧环氧树脂的行为与机理, 主持.

[3] 北京工商大学, 青年教师科研启动基金项目, QNJJ2020-20, 基于植酸的簇状分子阻燃环氧树脂的行为与机理, 主持.

[4] 北京市教育委员会, 北京高等教育本科教学改革创新项目, 新工科背景下材料类专业探究型场景式教学的实践, 参与.


[1] 邱勇, 钱立军, 汤朔. 新型无卤阻燃环氧树脂材料[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2021.

[2] 钱立军, 邱勇, 王佩璋. 高分子材料助剂[M]. 北京: 中国轻工业出版社, 2020.


[1] Yong Qiu, Lijun Qian, Yajun Chen, Jianwei Hao. Improving the fracture toughness and flame retardant properties of epoxy thermosets by phosphaphenanthrene/siloxane cluster-like molecules with multiple reactive groups[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 178, doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2019.107481.

[2] Yong Qiu, Lijun Qian, Haisheng Feng, Shanglin Jin, Jianwei Hao. Toughening effect and flame-retardant behaviors of phosphaphenanthrene/phenylsiloxane bigroup macromolecules in epoxy thermoset [J]. Macromolucules, 2018, 51(23): 9992-10002.

[3] Yong Qiu, Zhen Liu, Lijun Qian, Jianwei Hao. Pyrolysis and flame retardant behavior of a novel compound with multiple phosphaphenanthrene groups in epoxy thermosets [J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 127: 23-30.

[4] Yong Qiu, Zhen Liu, Lijun Qian, Jianwei Hao. Gaseous-phase flame retardant behavior of a multi-phosphaphenanthrene compound in a polycarbonate composite [J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(81): 51290-51297.

[5] Yong Qiu, Volker Wachtendorf, Patrick Klack, Lijun Qian, Zhen Liu, Bernhard Schartel. Improved flame retardancy by synergy between cyclotetrasiloxane and phosphaphenanthrene/triazine compounds in epoxy thermoset [J]. Polymer International, 2017, 66(12): 1883-1890.

[6] Yong Qiu, Lijun Qian, Wang Xi. Flame-retardant effect of a novel phosphaphenanthrene/triazine-trione bi-group compound on an epoxy thermoset and its pyrolysis behaviour [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(61): 56018-56027.

[7] Yong Qiu, Lijun Qian, Wang Xi, Xinxin Liu. Joint flame-retardant effect of triazine-rich and triazine/phosphaphenanthrene compounds on epoxy resin thermoset [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(14): 43241.

[8] Lijun Qian, Yong Qiu, Jingyu Wang, Wang Xi. High-performance flame retardancy by char-cage hindering and free radical quenching effects in epoxy thermosets [J]. Polymer, 2015, 68: 262-269.

[9] Lijun Qian, Yong Qiu, Nan Sun, Menglan Xu, Guozhi Xu, Fei Xin, Yajun Chen. Pyrolysis route of a novel flame retardant constructed by phosphaphenanthrene and triazine-trione groups and its flame-retardant effect on epoxy resin [J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2014, 107: 98-105.

[10] Lijun Qian, Yong Qiu, Jing Liu, Fei Xin, Yajun Chen. The flame retardant group-synergistic-effect of a phosphaphenanthrene and triazine double-group compound in epoxy resin [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(3): 39709.


中国轻工业联合会, 技术发明一等奖, 高效率无卤阻燃剂的基团协同关键技术及其产业化, 2020.




